About Cancer Mission Hub Norway

To reach the ambitious goals of the Cancer Mission, researchers, policy makers, health care institutions, industry and patient organisations must work together to find good solutions. This is why these communities have established a natonal hub.

Being part of the Beating Cancer Plan (EBCP), the Mission brings together research, innovation and public health policies in ways that cannot be achieved through individual research activities and policy actions at EU, national, regional and local levels.

Through its investments and engagement with citizen and stakeholders, the Mission is key for delivering the objectives and actions of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, in particular by generating and sharing new evidence and delivering innovative concepts that shape policy actions in each of the four Mission objectives, i.e., understanding, prevention and early detection, diagnosis and treatment, and quality of life.

What does the hub intend to deliver?

Cancer Mission Hub Norway is established by various stakeholders as a central platform to strengthen Norway’s contribution to Europe's Beating Cancer Plan and Mission on Cancer by mobilizing and uniting national stakeholders across disciplines and sectors, and by fostering European collaborations.​​

The hub is an open environment, inviting all capable parties to join the effort against cancer.

Members of Cancer Mission Hub Norway

The following organisations are members/partners of the hub:

  • Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet)
  • Norwegian Cancer Society (Kreftforeningen)
  • Oslo Cancer Cluster
  • The Norwegian Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
  • Cancer Registry of Norway (Kreftregisteret)
  • The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS)
  • SINTEF (Independent Research Organization)
  • Regional Health Authorities (RHF’ene)
  • Oslo University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Norwegian Institute of Public Health (Folkehelseinstituttet)
  • STAMI (National Institute of Occupational Health)
  • Medical Faculties at Universities
  • Norwegian Smart Care Cluster
  • NORA (Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium)
  • Norwegian Centre for E-Health Research (Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning)

Strategic Coordination Group 

Norwegian Cancer Society (Kreftforeningen)
Ingrid Stenstadvold Ross
Ole Alexander Opdalshei

Norwegian Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Sigurd Røtnes
Sissi Leyell Espetvedt

Cancer Registry of Norway (FHI-Kreftregisteret)
Mari Nygård

Oslo Cancer Cluster
Ketil Widerberg

Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet)
Ole Johan Borge

The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities -KS
Hedda Barvik Eilertsen (on leave), Thea Forsberg

Øystein Risa

Oslo University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Center (OUS / OCC)
Kjetil Tasken

Strategic Research Group of the Regional Health Authorities (RHF-enes strategigruppe for forskning)
Renate Grüner / Lars Eikvar

Norwegian Institute of Public Health (Folkehelseinstituttet)
Knut-Inge Klepp

STAMI (National Institute of Occupational Health)
Karl-Christian Nordby and Shan Nauri

Medical Faculties at Norwegian Universities, represented by
Stian Knappskog (University of Bergen) and Morten Strøm (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)

Norwegian Smart Care Cluster
Arild Kristensen and Kari Øritsland

National Center for E-Health Research (Nasjontalt senter for e-helseforskning)
Monika Johansen and Anne Torill Nordsletta

Messages at time of print 18 October 2024, 08:50 CEST

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